The Willow River Rod and Gun Club is a private facility. Membership fees may vary from year to year. The current annual membership fee is $100. Memberships are not pro-rated. The club membership year is January 1st through December 31st. The membership fee can be reduced by $80 the following year by donating 10 hours of volunteer time toward club improvement projects.
To encourage family participation, all memberships apply to your immediate family members, including children under 23 years of age living in the family home. A one-time $10 gate key card deposit is required for each issued card. After your membership fee and card deposit are received and your application is processed, the Membership Director will contact you to schedule range orientation. Upon completion of a range orientation, a gate key card will be provided to you. This gate key card will give you access to the facility.
Membership in Willow River Rod and Gun Club is exclusive to paid members. Gate key cards may not be shared outside your immediate family. Membership inquiries can be emailed to the Membership Director, or by calling the club number, (715) 246-4884, and leaving a voice message. Applications for new membership and membership renewals can be completed using the 2025 Membership Application and mailing it in with your payment. Please allow two (2) weeks for processing. Checks should be written to Willow River Rod and Gun Club and submitted via mail to:
PO Box 145
New Richmond, WI 54017
Gate Operation
Our goal is to maintain our private status with a powered gate requiring card access to enter and leave the site. Upon presenting a valid card to the card reader, the gate will open. There is a sensor to prevent the gate from closing while an obstruction is in the way. Once all obstructions are clear, a timer will wait approximately 15 seconds before the gate will close. We ask that members help maintain the security of the site by making sure the gate closes behind them. On event nights, you may find the gate blocked in the open position to minimize wear and tear on the gate. This is normal and will be unblocked at the conclusion of the event. If you find the gate broken or not in working order, please call the club number at (715) 246-4884 and leave a voicemail about the issue. The Membership Director will remedy the situation as soon as possible.
Guest Policy
- A maximum of 2 guests are allowed per membership – i.e. if 3 members are present, but they are all from the same family membership, the maximum allotted guests is still 2.
- A reoccurring guest is not a substitution for a membership. A guest should only be brought in an occasional circumstance, e.g.:
- A family member visiting from out of town
- A friend interested in visiting the range before purchasing their own membership
- Guest maximums do not apply during public events (e.g. public sight-in, 3D archery shoot, ARA).
- Non-members will be required to sign a liability waiver at public events.
- Guests are not permitted to take part in club-sponsored leagues.
- If guests are brought to a paid event where members and non-members have a different rate, guests must pay the non-member rate.
- The member who brings the guest assumes liability for their actions, up to and including rule violations, personal injury, death, or property damage.